Guidelines and Policy

Our goal is to provide a suitable location for students and community members to complete exams, certifications, and assessments. Test takers must act in a professional manner to maintain the integrity of the testing center. Behavior that interferes with testing operations or negatively impacts other test takers is prohibited.

By using the University of Oregon Testing Center services, all students, community test takers, and clients acknowledge their compliance and agreement to the policies and procedures of the test center.

  1. Follow the University of Oregon Student Conduct Code and any guidelines, rules, or policies of the exam sponsor, school, department, or faculty.
    • We have a professional and ethical responsibility to ensure academic integrity. Any suspected incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the exam sponsor, faculty member, department, and/or the Division of Student Life.
  2. Bring valid photo identification.
    • We accept physical copies of government-issued IDs such as driver’s licenses, passports, or state ID cards. University of Oregon students may show their student ID. Some exams have strict ID requirements or require two forms of ID. Please check with your exam sponsor to know your requirements.
  3. Arrive on time for scheduled exams.
    • Arriving late may reduce testing time and you may lose your reservation. We recommend that you arrive fifteen minutes prior to your appointment to check-in.
  4. You are responsible for ensuring exam materials are sent to the Testing Center.
    • Please call two to three days before your appointment to ensure your exam materials have been delivered.
  5. All areas of the Testing Center are subject to video and audio recording and surveillance.
    • By using the UTC, you consent to be recorded.
  6. While our testing environment offers reduced distractions, it can never be completely distraction free, as we are unable to control all sounds inside or outside of the UTC. There are earplugs and/or headphones provided to muffle sounds.
  7. Leave all personal items at home or use the lockers in the Testing Center.
    • The UTC is not responsible for damage to personal items. Prohibited items include hats, coats, watches, backpacks, purses, food, drinks, sunglasses, cell phones, fitness trackers, and all electronic devices and must be placed in lockers if brought to the testing center.
  8. All electronic devices must be silenced, turned off, and placed in the lockers.
    • Cell phones or other electronic devices found in the testing room will be considered academic misconduct and reported to the appropriate party.
  9. Take care of restroom or other needs prior to beginning a test.
    • Some exams do not allow any breaks. Any approved breaks will be recorded and reported to the faculty or exam sponsor.
  10. No guests are allowed.
    • Parents, spouses, friends, and children are not allowed in the testing area. Arrange alternate plans for guests when taking the test.
  11. Be mindful of behaviors that may distract others.
    • Chewing gum, tapping fingers or feet, reading aloud, humming, etc. can be distracting for others and is prohibited in the Testing Center. Students who exhibit disorderly or disruptive conduct that interferes with the normal operations of the center may have their exam ended and be barred from testing in the future.
  12. Do not access material or websites that are not allowed by your test provider.
    • Accessing material that is not allowed is academic misconduct and will be reported to the appropriate party.
  13. Return all test material to Testing Center staff when you complete the exam.
    • This includes scratch paper, pencils, notecards, etc.
  14. Copies, pictures, or digital images of any test material or test content are not allowed to leave the UTC.
    • Removing test material or test content from the Testing Center can be considered academic misconduct and reported accordingly.
  15. No refunds are given for canceled or missed appointments.
    • If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please call the Testing Center at 541-346-3230 in advance.
  16. Follow instructions given by the proctors and Testing Center staff.
  17. If you require testing accommodations, please call us at 541-346-3230 for support.