Test Day Information

Prepping for success will help you feel better on test day and can impact your results. We have a few tips to help you get ready.

  1. Get some sleep.
    • Getting a good night’s rest will ensure that you arrive to the test with more brain capacity and a mindset to do well.
  2. Wake up on time.
    • You should wake up early enough to have a healthy breakfast and follow your usual routine. Making sure you are nourished will help make sure you’re not hungry during the test.
  3. Check that you have what you need.
    • Make sure to have your photo ID and scratch paper and pencil with you.
  4. Arrive early.
    • Plan out your route the night before and make sure you build in time for unexpected traffic or other disruptions. Our directions and parking information may help guide you.
  5. Relax.
    • Give yourself some breathing room before taking your test. On test day, you’ll have a chance to demonstrate what you know and figure out what you need to learn. Embrace the journey.