The DSST/DANTES exams are nationally standardized exams that help students get college credit for learning outside the traditional classroom. They are available in different subject areas.

Each college or university determines passing scores and course equivalencies. The University of Oregon does NOT accept DSST/DANTES exams for credit or proficiency. People may use the Testing Center to take DSST/DANTES exams to have results set to other institution. Find institutions that accept DSST/DANTES exams.

DSST/DANTES exams are scheduled by appointment and require two payments:

  1. The DSST exam fee is paid by credit card or debit card at the time of testing on www.getcollegecredit.com.
  2. Students pay a $30 proctoring fee when registering for the exam.

Veterans eligible for the post-9/11 GI Bill may request reimbursement for exam payments.

DSST has launched applications for smart phones within the Google Play and Apple App stores. The application displays a detailed listing of each exam, content outline, references and recommendations. Additionally, it allows the user to take a free practice exam.

Questions? Email us at testing@uoregon.edu.

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